Saturday, September 20, 2008

To: Alista Wong Li Li & Stephanie Synneq


English Version (Pasar English):

Haih...Alista and Stephanie, y I type in English is becoz I wan to let u 2 see and understand...You 2 always say my blog all Chinese words you 2 dun understand, nvm, now I type in eng, simple and easy to understand...Actually that day haidie`s bday, nt we dunwan to invite u two, but if add more 2 ppl I can 100% tell u two I will terus bankrap that day...Okla, that day u say u two can pay urselves, but u sure ur parent will let u go??? Many time ady we ask u two come out, but u two de reason is parent dun let, parent nt around, no transport, bla bla bla~~ And this time, we also thought that ur parent wont let u go also, so we dint ask lo...Y we invite clara? Becoz that day when we discuss abt how to celebrate haidie bday, she was with us, if that day u two also got go uk with us, MAYBE can invite u two la…I know u two sure very dulan on this, sampai haidie also flipping out becoz of tis...Can u two stand on my side and think over this problem??? Dun be so selfish la...Im not that rich can spent 5 ppl go grand for dinner...Im still a STUDENT! I have no income! Consider me! And 1 more thing, Alista, I saw tis phrase in ur blog... “...i dun wan things broke and messing up because i appreciate all of u.i really do...” U wrote this...If u really do, PLEASE, do not insult your fren anymore since u said u r so APPRECIATE them...It`s just a bday celebration, take it easily ok??? Pls, dun let tis thing spoil the frenship between u & haidie...It is NOT WORTH!! If u and steph wanna revenge back by "dun wan invite haidie and clara" to Stephanie`s bday, I seriously tell u two, tis is very childish...but up to Stephanie, that is her bday...If she really dint invite haidie and clara, it’s ok, I think haidie will nvr angry abt that becoz she is such a spotting person, and she also knew that u two do so becoz u two was angry her that time...Anyway, nt haidie ask me to write tis...I see her everyday no mood becoz of tis matter, that’s y I think im responsible to do sumthing.....Last thing, Alista, dun always teach haidie those SILLY thing! I DUN LIKE!

P/S: 海迪借用一下子...

你们想怎样现在??吵架是吗?? 来啦!怕你们啊?? 我看了你写的blog “哇!好精彩噢!好美噢!”鸡拜啦!美个屁啦!写到你好像讲到自己没做错什么东西酱!赌懒... 好心你啦!收皮啦!如果不是你和那个‘死矮妹’死命create problem,我们就不会有今天了!!体谅我跟展彦好不好???我求求你们两位啦!!!拜托啦!!!我的生日派对是庆祝在酒店的餐厅,不是kopitiam!Rm50一个人耶!你们肯还钱吗??就算我有钱请你们去,那你们100% 肯定可以去咩??就连我们每次约好下街,你们都有那么多借口,说什么“哎呀!妈妈不给出去噢~”“哎呀!爸爸不在噢~!”鬼才想请你们啦!好!要讲我的生日派对吧??拜托!用你们的猪脑去想啦!!每次下街只有我、玉玲和展彦而已,所以我跟彦才会习惯和玉玲在一起!习惯她来做我们的摄影师!!所以生日的时候当然是请她去啦!!要慰劳她!要怪就要怪你们自己!我送给你们这句话:东西可以乱吃,但是话就不可以乱讲!!不要假惺惺在那里,不要讲到你们什么错都没有!我终于看透你们的人格了!老实说你演得好烂!!Fuck off 啦!!你们伤了我的心,我永远都不会忘记你们做了什么“好事”来送给我,作为我的生日礼物!!还有你,死矮妹!!你不要以为讲一句对不起,我就会很看得开地原谅你!不是每个情况我可以很看得开的!在这里我要告诉你,我是不会去原谅你所说的每一句话的!你那些带刺的话语,就像万箭穿心般,彻底粉碎和伤害了我的心!!!你休想我会原谅你!!不要妄想我会去原谅你,那是不可能的!我真的觉得很累很失望,没想到我们的友情竟然这么不堪一击!好吧,既然你们处心积虑要跟我“玩”到底,我不奉陪岂不是不给你们面子??我决定了,我会陪你们“玩”够够的!大家走着瞧吧!